domenica 16 ottobre 2011


If you are reading this you are next to the nomadic earth of Kappa, “Kappaland”, emerged from the asphalt after an idea and founded on art.
It is possible to buy one square millimetre of the installed sculpture and become presidents of nothing. Conceptually this work represents the planet, our planet and the nucleus and we, like electrons, spin around it, wherever we are, we are presidents of it, but just for the size of our feet and for the duration of our lives, practically to possess what is supporting us has no sense, to love it yes. This is what serious people do being able to get back to their innocent childhood and not take Kappaland and his visionary project seriously. So no time-wasters, even because here time doesn´t exist, here nothing exists, but we are almost there. For this reason it´s not possible to buy more than one square millimetre, one it´ s enough to participate in the game, we will play to save the world as superheroes.

Buying a square millimetre of this land for just 5 euro, is to be considered an opportunity not to be missed, think, one square millimetre, almost nothing, and for this reason so important. At the moment, from the 23th of May 2011 date of the start of the presentation of the project at the Sculpture park, now separated from Tacheles by a wall raised by the bankers, 420 people coming from all over the world have bought one square millimetre of Kappaland becoming president of nothing.
We here thank all of them, because with this money we started a theatrical production and built a fantastic installation by the title “Kappaland Theatre”, that will be the scenography of the show that will go on the stage when everything will be ready, maybe around november-december, in the Sculpture Park. This depends on our resistance to money offers from a lawyer who represents the bank and if the actions of the justice court will allow us, meanwhile the rehearsals will have a location, sure for the moment, this will be a room in the Kunsthaus Tacheles, kindly offered by the building staff.
You are invited to visit the Kappaland Theatre in the Sculpture Park and to see how in six months we have been reduced, pushed by a partition wall, guards, fences and cameras that remember a dark period in history.

But let´s go to another story, that of Kappaland and its visionary project and so we´ll go in another time and in another place, we´ll go in a theatrical dimension.

The show begins with a great explosion, in another time and in another place a tremendous catastrophe has just happened, we don´t know what has happened, the protagonists will discover it later on. Seven survivors are on the run, in front of them just destruction, they are looking for a shelter for the night and to evaluate the situation. They reach a museum and in one hall they find Kappaland, they seat around the sculpture and take a breathe (Fuuuuu). We see them; four men and three women, later on we will meet an eighth character Markus, guardian of the museum, he´s 72 year old, but we won´t step into this character for the moment and we already have the actor for this role. We get back to the group of seven and these are: Tom, biologist, 65 year old. Jacob, 19 year-old a young student. Irene, nurse, 45 year-old, then Gordon of whom for the moment we just know the name and then another man and two women, these characters are still to be invented, for the moment just Tom and Jacob talk, Irene not yet but she will, everyone will be talking. Now Tom sees one paper, explaining the sculpture, and asks to Jacob " Look what´s written on that paper!" ( he would have done it by himself, but the glasses got smashed the morning of the disaster). Now Jacob was his assistant, this to explain the essential role of each character and to relate to the concept of human being and community, where everyone knows how to do one thing well enough that everybody needs everyone, and this creates the common well being. Jacob exclaims " Wow, it´s a conceptual sculpture that many years ago an artist had the idea to sell by square millimetres to people coming from all over the world, reasserting the concept of our affiliation to the world and not the opposite. After have spread the concept well enough, he continued the sale via internet with a group of people involved in the project. That was successful, because in a short time more than ten milions of people  coming from all over the world bought one square millimetre. Kappaland became famous, for this reason it was in that museum, for this reason, being separated from the ground it was saved from the contamination and it was ready to contaminate with life all the rest.

This is the first track of the show, the rest is still to be invented with the collaboration of all the people that have subscribed the project. The aim is to realize a big collective work seen that the subject concerns everybody. Professional actors have been involved and we are looking for other specialised people in order to realize a great show and in the end, we really want to sell this sculpture in internet, as the original sculpture of that famous show.
Kappaland is worth 72 milions euro for three reasons, one because is art, two because 420 people have confirmed it, and last for what represents have no price.
If this visionary project would be realised we want to use this river of money to buy a real piece of planet. Then divide this piece in square millimetres and sell it again in internet to other people, and with the money buy some more, provoking an atomic reaction, no uranium and plutonium will be needed, but just a small emotion fruit of people´s conscience. Freeing as much world as possible from any form of possess, seen that every owner is president of nothing and in the same time of everything, maybe we will be able to free also the Tacheles. What is sure is that in the show this will happen, like in a nice christmas story, and nobody can stop it. But art is powerful and who knows.
Everything that has been written it´s nothing of what can be thought, but just an artistic experiment.

Angelo Loconte K. & Partners

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